Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Difference between Raster scan and Random scan

Raster scan display 

  1. Raster scan display has ability to display area filled with solid color or pattern.
  2. It is used interlacing. 
  3. In raster scan display , beam is  moved all over the screen one scan line at a time top to bottom and back to top.
  4. Lower resolution.
  5. Less Expensive.
  6. Refresh rate is independent of picture complexity.
  7. Editing is difficult.
  8. Scan conversion is not required.
  9. Raster scan display can display mathematically smooth line .
  10. Raster scan display is used  in Shadow mask CRT.

Random scan display 

  1. In random scan display only draw line and character. It is also used vector scan display.
  2. Does not interlacing.
  3. In random scan display the beam is moved between the end point of the graphics primitive.
  4. High Resolution.
  5. More Expensive.
  6. Refresh rate is dependent of picture complexity.
  7. Editing is easy.
  8. scan conversion is required.
  9. Random scan display draw continuous smooth line.
  10. Random scan display is used in Beam penetration. 

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